The Diagnostic Automation Androstenedione EIA test kit is a Competitive immunoenzymatic colorimetric method for quantitative determination of Androstenedione concentration in human serum and plasma.
Material Provided with Androstenedione ELISA Kit:
1. Androstenedione Standards 6x: STD0- STD 5
2. Control
3. Androstenedione EIA Test Conjugate
4. Microplate: wells coated with Anti-Androstenedione IgG
5. Substrate: H2O2-TMB
6. Stop solution
7. Wash Solution 10X
Materials Required, not Provided:
1. Precision pipettes
2. Distilled or deionized water
3. EIA kit Microplate Washer
4. EIA kit Microplate Reader with a 450 nm
Androstenedione ELISA Kit Background Information:
Androstenedione, also known as 4-androstenedione is common precursor of male and female sex hormones. Some androstenedione is also secreted into the plasma, and may be converted in peripheral tissues to testosterone and estrogens. Secretion and production rates also exceed those of testosterone in women in whom significant extra-adrenal conversion of androstenedione to testosterone occurs. In premenopausal women the adrenal glands and ovaries each produces about half of the total androstendione (about 3 mg/day). After menopause, androstenedione production is about halved, primarily due to the reduction of steroid secreted by the ovary. Nevertheless, androstenedione is the principal steroid produced by the postmenopausal ovary. Measurement of serum androstenedione provides a useful marker of androgen biosynthesis. Elevated androstenedione levels have been demonstrated in virilizing congenital adrenal hyperplasia. Serum androstenedione levels are also increased in polycystic ovary syndrome, and in case of hirsutism in women. Elevated serum androstenedione levels may also occur in adrenal and ovarian virilizing tumors.
Androstenedione ELISA Test Principle:
Androstenedione ELISA Test Kit is a competitive immunoenzymatic colorimetric assay. Androstenedione (antigen) in the sample competes with horseradish peroxidase Androstenedione (enzyme-labeled antigen), for binding onto the limited number of anti-Androstenedione coated on the microplates. After incubation, the bound/free separation is performed by a simple solid-phase washing. After addition of the enzyme substrate colour development occurs. The enzyme reaction is stopped and the absorbance is determined. Androstenedione concentration in the sample is calculated based on a series by a set of standard. The colour intensity is inversely proportional to the Androstenedione concentration in the sample. For additional details please refer to the instructions for use.
Diagnostic Automation Inc. also provides other Steroid ELISA Kits. For more information about ELISA Kits, Rapid Tests, IFA Kits, CLIA Test Kits, or Serology tests, please see our website home page, or contact our Customer Service Representatives at 818-591-3030 .
Material Provided with Androstenedione ELISA Kit:
1. Androstenedione Standards 6x: STD0- STD 5
2. Control
3. Androstenedione EIA Test Conjugate
4. Microplate: wells coated with Anti-Androstenedione IgG
5. Substrate: H2O2-TMB
6. Stop solution
7. Wash Solution 10X
Materials Required, not Provided:
1. Precision pipettes
2. Distilled or deionized water
3. EIA kit Microplate Washer
4. EIA kit Microplate Reader with a 450 nm
Androstenedione ELISA Kit Background Information:
Androstenedione, also known as 4-androstenedione is common precursor of male and female sex hormones. Some androstenedione is also secreted into the plasma, and may be converted in peripheral tissues to testosterone and estrogens. Secretion and production rates also exceed those of testosterone in women in whom significant extra-adrenal conversion of androstenedione to testosterone occurs. In premenopausal women the adrenal glands and ovaries each produces about half of the total androstendione (about 3 mg/day). After menopause, androstenedione production is about halved, primarily due to the reduction of steroid secreted by the ovary. Nevertheless, androstenedione is the principal steroid produced by the postmenopausal ovary. Measurement of serum androstenedione provides a useful marker of androgen biosynthesis. Elevated androstenedione levels have been demonstrated in virilizing congenital adrenal hyperplasia. Serum androstenedione levels are also increased in polycystic ovary syndrome, and in case of hirsutism in women. Elevated serum androstenedione levels may also occur in adrenal and ovarian virilizing tumors.
Androstenedione ELISA Test Principle:
Androstenedione ELISA Test Kit is a competitive immunoenzymatic colorimetric assay. Androstenedione (antigen) in the sample competes with horseradish peroxidase Androstenedione (enzyme-labeled antigen), for binding onto the limited number of anti-Androstenedione coated on the microplates. After incubation, the bound/free separation is performed by a simple solid-phase washing. After addition of the enzyme substrate colour development occurs. The enzyme reaction is stopped and the absorbance is determined. Androstenedione concentration in the sample is calculated based on a series by a set of standard. The colour intensity is inversely proportional to the Androstenedione concentration in the sample. For additional details please refer to the instructions for use.
Diagnostic Automation Inc. also provides other Steroid ELISA Kits. For more information about ELISA Kits, Rapid Tests, IFA Kits, CLIA Test Kits, or Serology tests, please see our website home page, or contact our Customer Service Representatives at 818-591-3030 .
Product Details
Catalog No:1038-17
Name:Human Androstenedione ELISA Test Kit
Category:Steroid ELISA kits
Method:ELISA method: Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay
Principle:Competitive Enzyme Immunoassay
Detection:0.0 ng/ml- 10 ng/ml
Sample:25 ul serum
Total Time:~75 min
Shelf Life:12 Months from the manufacturing date