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Product Details



Diagnostic Automation Inc. offers a CMV IgA elisa test kit which is intended for use in the detection of IgA antibodies to Cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection.

Material Provided with Cytomegalovirus IgA ELISA Kit:

1. Microwell Strips: purified CMV antigen coated wells
2. Sample Diluent: Blue Color Solution
3. Calibrator Factor Value (f) stated on label
4. Cytomegalovirus IgA Test Negative control
5. Positive control
6. Cytomegalovirus IgA EIA Kit Washing Concentrate 10X:
7. Cytomegalovirus IgA EIA Enzyme Conjugate
8. TMB Chromogenic Substrate
9. Cytomegalovirus IgA Elisa Kit Stop Solution

Materials & Instrumentations required, not included:
1. Reagent tubes for the serum dilution
2. Bidistilled water
3. Precision pipettes
4. ELISA Kit Microplate Washer
5. ELISA Kit Microplate Reader at 450

CMV IgA elisa test kit Background Information
Cytomegalovirus is a herpes virus with the ability to remain dormant in the body for a long period of time. However, severe impairment of immune system by medication or disease can reactivate the virus from the latent or dormant state. CMV is found universally throughout all geographic locations and socioeconomic groups. CMV is a leading biological factor causing congenital abnormalities and complications among those who receive massive blood transfusions and immunosuppressive therapy. About half of pregnant women who contract a primary infection spread the disease to their fetus. In-utero infection may cause major defects including mental retardation, blindness, and/or deafness. Serological tests for detecting the presence of antibody to CMV can provide valuable information regarding the history of previous infection, diagnosis of active or recent infection, as well as in screening blood for transfusions in newborns and immuno-compromised recipients. The antibodies present to Cytomegalovirus may be of the IgA, IgM and IgG. Diagnostic Automation CMV IgA elisa test kit is an accurate serologic method to detect CMV IgA antibody for identification of CMV infection.

CMV IgA elisa test kit Principle
Purified CMV antigen is coated on the surface of microwells. Diluted patient serum is added to wells, and the CMV IgA specific antibody, if present, binds to the antigen. All unbound materials are washed away. After adding enzyme conjugate, it binds to the antibody-antigen complex. Excess enzyme conjugate is washed off and TMB Chromogenic Substrate is added. The enzyme conjugate catalytic reaction is stopped at a specific time. The intensity of the color generated is proportional to the amount of IgA specific antibody in the sample. The results are read by a microwell reader compared in a parallel manner with calibrator and controls.

CMV IgA elisa test kit Results Interpretation
Negative: CMV A Index of less than 0.90 are negative for IgA antibody to CMV.
Equivocal: CMV A Index between 0.91 - 0.99 is equivocal. Sample should be retested.
Positive: CMV A Index of 1.0 or greater are positive for IgA antibody to CMV.

CMV IgA elisa test kit Performance & Characteristics
The precision of the assay was evaluated by testing three different sera of eight replicates over 3 days. The intra-assay and inter-assay C.V. Summary are:
Intra-assay: Negative 8.2% Low positive 7.4% Positive 6.3%
Inter-assay: Negative 11.2% Low positive 8.5% Positive 6.7%

CMV IgA elisa test Related Kits:

CMV IgG elisa test kit


CMV IgM elisa test kit


Chemiluminescence Immuno Assay (CLIA) Kits:





CMV IFA (Immunofluorescence Assay) Kits:





HBsAg Rapid Test


Diagnostic Automation Inc. also provides other Test Kits:


For more information about ELISA Kits, Rapid Tests, CLIA tests, or IFA Tests, please contact our Customer Service Representatives at 818-591-3030.

Product Details
  • Catalog No:1200-P1

  • Name:Human Cytomegalovirus IgA (CMV IgA) ELISA Test kit

  • Category:Infectious Disease ELISA kits

  • Test:96

  • Method:ELISA method: Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay

  • Principle:ELISA principle- Indirect; Antigen Coated Plate

  • Detection:Qualitative elisa assay- Positive, Negative and Cut-off

  • Sample:5ul

  • Specificity:99%

  • Sensitivity:97%

  • Total Time:75 min

  • Shelf Life:12 Months from the manufacturing date