The Diagnostic Automation RSV IgG Antibody ELISA Test Kit has been designed for the detection and the quantitative determination of specific IgG antibodies against Respiratory syncytial virus in human serum and plasma. Further applications in other body fluids are possible and can be requested from the Technical Service of Diagnostic Automation.
Material Provided with RSV IgG ELISA Kit:
1. Microtiter Strips: 12 strips with 8 breakable wells coated with a RSV antigen
2. RSV IgG Elisa Calibrator A (Negative Control
3. RSV IgG Elisa Calibrator B (Cut-Off Standard)
4. RSV IgG Elisa Test Calibrator C (Weak Positive Control)
5. RSV IgG Elisa Calibrator D (Positive Control)
6. RSV IgG EIA Kit Enzyme Conjugate: anti-human-IgG-HRP (rabbit)
7. Substrate: TMB
8. Stop Solution
9. RSV IgG Test Sample Diluent
10.Washing Buffer
11. Plastic Foils
12. Plastic Bag
Materials & Instrumentations required but not included:
1. Bidistilled water
2. Precision pipettes & multichannel pipettes
3. EIA Kit Microplate Washer
4. EIA Kit Microplate Reader at 450
RSV IgG ELISA Kit Background Information:
Each year during the winter months, RS viruses spread heavily amongst children and infants. There are recurring infection by RS viruses every year. Voluntary studies with adults have demonstrated that a reinfection with RS viruses is possible. The incubation time is 2 - 6 days. RS viruses are paramyxoviruses with a diameter of 90 - 140 nm. The most noticeable connection of RSV infections with respiratory infections and specific clinical syndromes was detected in infants up to 6 months of age with bronchiolitis or pneumonia. In older infants or small children the disease is milder. In 25 % of infections of the respiratory tract RSV infections are detectable. This pathogen may cause bronchiolitis or, in infants up to 4 months of age, pneumonias. The method recommended for serological testing of acute RSV infections is the determination of IgG antibodies in serum pairs with significant titer rise.
RSV IgG ELISA Test Principle:
The Diagnostic Automation RSV IgG antibody test kit is based on the principle of the enzyme immunoassay (EIA). RSV antigen is bound on the surface of the microtiter strips. Diluted patient serum or ready-to-use standards are pipetted into the wells of the microtiter plate. A binding between the IgG antibodies of the serum and the immobilized RSV antigen takes place. After an incubation at room temperature, the plate is rinsed. Then ready-to-use antihuman- IgG peroxidase conjugate is added and incubated. After a further washing step, the substrate (TMB) solution is pipetted and incubated for 20 minutes, inducing the development of a blue dye in the wells. The color development is terminated by the addition of a stop solution, which changes the color from blue to yellow. The concentration of the IgG antibodies is directly proportional to the intensity of the color.
For more information about ELISA Kits, Rapid Tests, IFA Kits, CLIA Test Kits, or Serology tests, please see our website home page, or contact our Customer Service Representative at 818-591-3030.
Material Provided with RSV IgG ELISA Kit:
1. Microtiter Strips: 12 strips with 8 breakable wells coated with a RSV antigen
2. RSV IgG Elisa Calibrator A (Negative Control
3. RSV IgG Elisa Calibrator B (Cut-Off Standard)
4. RSV IgG Elisa Test Calibrator C (Weak Positive Control)
5. RSV IgG Elisa Calibrator D (Positive Control)
6. RSV IgG EIA Kit Enzyme Conjugate: anti-human-IgG-HRP (rabbit)
7. Substrate: TMB
8. Stop Solution
9. RSV IgG Test Sample Diluent
10.Washing Buffer
11. Plastic Foils
12. Plastic Bag
Materials & Instrumentations required but not included:
1. Bidistilled water
2. Precision pipettes & multichannel pipettes
3. EIA Kit Microplate Washer
4. EIA Kit Microplate Reader at 450
RSV IgG ELISA Kit Background Information:
Each year during the winter months, RS viruses spread heavily amongst children and infants. There are recurring infection by RS viruses every year. Voluntary studies with adults have demonstrated that a reinfection with RS viruses is possible. The incubation time is 2 - 6 days. RS viruses are paramyxoviruses with a diameter of 90 - 140 nm. The most noticeable connection of RSV infections with respiratory infections and specific clinical syndromes was detected in infants up to 6 months of age with bronchiolitis or pneumonia. In older infants or small children the disease is milder. In 25 % of infections of the respiratory tract RSV infections are detectable. This pathogen may cause bronchiolitis or, in infants up to 4 months of age, pneumonias. The method recommended for serological testing of acute RSV infections is the determination of IgG antibodies in serum pairs with significant titer rise.
RSV IgG ELISA Test Principle:
The Diagnostic Automation RSV IgG antibody test kit is based on the principle of the enzyme immunoassay (EIA). RSV antigen is bound on the surface of the microtiter strips. Diluted patient serum or ready-to-use standards are pipetted into the wells of the microtiter plate. A binding between the IgG antibodies of the serum and the immobilized RSV antigen takes place. After an incubation at room temperature, the plate is rinsed. Then ready-to-use antihuman- IgG peroxidase conjugate is added and incubated. After a further washing step, the substrate (TMB) solution is pipetted and incubated for 20 minutes, inducing the development of a blue dye in the wells. The color development is terminated by the addition of a stop solution, which changes the color from blue to yellow. The concentration of the IgG antibodies is directly proportional to the intensity of the color.
For more information about ELISA Kits, Rapid Tests, IFA Kits, CLIA Test Kits, or Serology tests, please see our website home page, or contact our Customer Service Representative at 818-591-3030.
Product Details
Catalog No:5114-8
Name:Human RSV IgG ELISA Test Kit
Category:Infectious Disease ELISA kits
Method:ELISA method: Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay
Principle:ELISA principle- Indirect; Antigen Coated Plate
Detection:Qualitative elisa assay - Positive, Negative and Cut-off
Total Time:110min
Shelf Life:12 months from the manufacturing date