Campylobacter ELISA Test kit (Fecal) New
Diagnostic Automation offers a Campylobacter ELISA Kit (Fecal) which is a micro well ELISA detection kit that is an in vitro diagnostic immunoassay for the detection of antigen to Campylobacter species in human feces using peroxidase as the indicator enzyme.
Material Provided with Adenovirus ELISA Kit:
1. Test Strips Microwells: 96 test wells with anti-Campylobacter polyclonal antibodies
2. Reagent 2: anti-Campylobacter polyclonal antibody conjugated to peroxidase
3. Positive Control: diluted Campylobacter antigen
4. Negative Control: buffered base
5. Chromogen:TMB
6. Wash Concentrate, 20x
7. Stop Solution: 1M phosphoric acid
Materials Required, Not Provided:
1. Precision pipettes
2. Distilled or deionized water
3. EIA kit Microplate Washer
4. EIA kit Microplate Reader with a 450 nm and a 620 - 650 nm filter
Campylobacter ELISA Kit Background Information:
Infection by thermophilic Campylobacter species is a leading cause of human gastroenteritis. Of the various species of Campylobacter, C. Jejuni, C. coli and C. lari, are the species most often associated with human illness. Campylobacter are often passed to humans through handling or consumption of contaminated food, particularly foods of animal origin (see the Campylobacter Food ELISA Kit). Recently, human infection with Campylobacter has been implicated in the induction of Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) and reactive arthritis. GBS is a debilitating and potentially fatal neurological disease that produces paralysis. Campylobacter species are gram negative, motile curved or spiral rods that require highly specialized growth conditions. Typical cultivation entails pre-enrichment and enrichment steps in broth, followed by isolation on a selective solid medium. Of particular importance in the cultivation of Campylobacter is the requirement for a micro aerobic atmosphere.
Campylobacter ELISA Test Principle:
The principle of the Campylobacter Test is a double antibody (sandwich immunoassay utilizing specific anti-Campylobacter antibodies coated to micro wells. After addition of the sample and the enzyme conjugate to the Campylobacter Test, a positive reaction (indicating the presence of Campylobacter antigen) produces a deep blue color. Addition of the Stop Solution on the Campylobacter test, ends the assay and turns the blue color to yellow. The results of the Campylobacter test may be read visually or with an ELISA reader.
Notable features of the Parasitology ELISA Kits:
User-friendly directions and explanation of test procedures
Simple and safe reagent preparation
Clear instructions on specimen collection
Comprehensive package of required materials
Explicit quality control and storage guidelines
Reliable and easy-to-read test results
Product inserts for most Parasitology ELISA kits follow a similar method. See the Adenovirus ELISA Kit product insert for details on preparation, procedures, quality control, and test result interpretation.
Diagnostic Automation offers Campylobacter Food ELISA Test which screens food products for the presence of campylobacter antigen. For more information about ELISA Kits, Rapid Tests, IFA Kits, CLIA Test Kits, or Serology tests, please see our website home page, or contact our Customer Service Representative at 818-591-3030.
Material Provided with Adenovirus ELISA Kit:
1. Test Strips Microwells: 96 test wells with anti-Campylobacter polyclonal antibodies
2. Reagent 2: anti-Campylobacter polyclonal antibody conjugated to peroxidase
3. Positive Control: diluted Campylobacter antigen
4. Negative Control: buffered base
5. Chromogen:TMB
6. Wash Concentrate, 20x
7. Stop Solution: 1M phosphoric acid
Materials Required, Not Provided:
1. Precision pipettes
2. Distilled or deionized water
3. EIA kit Microplate Washer
4. EIA kit Microplate Reader with a 450 nm and a 620 - 650 nm filter
Campylobacter ELISA Kit Background Information:
Infection by thermophilic Campylobacter species is a leading cause of human gastroenteritis. Of the various species of Campylobacter, C. Jejuni, C. coli and C. lari, are the species most often associated with human illness. Campylobacter are often passed to humans through handling or consumption of contaminated food, particularly foods of animal origin (see the Campylobacter Food ELISA Kit). Recently, human infection with Campylobacter has been implicated in the induction of Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) and reactive arthritis. GBS is a debilitating and potentially fatal neurological disease that produces paralysis. Campylobacter species are gram negative, motile curved or spiral rods that require highly specialized growth conditions. Typical cultivation entails pre-enrichment and enrichment steps in broth, followed by isolation on a selective solid medium. Of particular importance in the cultivation of Campylobacter is the requirement for a micro aerobic atmosphere.
Campylobacter ELISA Test Principle:
The principle of the Campylobacter Test is a double antibody (sandwich immunoassay utilizing specific anti-Campylobacter antibodies coated to micro wells. After addition of the sample and the enzyme conjugate to the Campylobacter Test, a positive reaction (indicating the presence of Campylobacter antigen) produces a deep blue color. Addition of the Stop Solution on the Campylobacter test, ends the assay and turns the blue color to yellow. The results of the Campylobacter test may be read visually or with an ELISA reader.
Notable features of the Parasitology ELISA Kits:
User-friendly directions and explanation of test procedures
Simple and safe reagent preparation
Clear instructions on specimen collection
Comprehensive package of required materials
Explicit quality control and storage guidelines
Reliable and easy-to-read test results
Product inserts for most Parasitology ELISA kits follow a similar method. See the Adenovirus ELISA Kit product insert for details on preparation, procedures, quality control, and test result interpretation.
Diagnostic Automation offers Campylobacter Food ELISA Test which screens food products for the presence of campylobacter antigen. For more information about ELISA Kits, Rapid Tests, IFA Kits, CLIA Test Kits, or Serology tests, please see our website home page, or contact our Customer Service Representative at 818-591-3030.
Product Details
Catalog No:8320-3
Name:Human Campylobacter Fecal ELISA Test kit
Category:Parasitology ELISA kits