Fasciola IgG ELISA kit
Fasciola IgG ELISA test is a qualitative screening of serum IgG antibodies to Fasciola using an Enzyme Linked Immunoabsorbant Assay (ELISA) technique.
Materials Provided with Fasciola IgG ELISA Kit
1. Plate: Microwells coated with Faciola antigens
2. Enzyme Conjugate: Protein A conjugated to peroxidase
3. Positive Control: diluted positive rabbit serum
4. Negative Control: diluted negative human serum
5. Chromogen: TMB
6. Wash Concentrate 20X
7. Dilution Buffer:buffered protein solution
8. Stop Solution: 1 M phosphoric acid
Materials Required, Not Provided:
1. Precision pipettes
2. Reagent grade DI water
3. EIA kit Microplate Washer
4. EIA kit Microplate Reader with a 450 & 620-650 nm filters
Fasciola IgG ELISA Kit Background Information:
Fasciola is a hermaphroditic trematode which causes the zoonotic disease fascioliasis. Humans become infected with the disease by ingesting uncooked watercress and other aquatic vegetation on which metacercariae are encysted. Once inside the body, the metacercariae excyst in the small intestine and migrate into the peritoneal cavity through the intestinal wall. The worms may also reenter the liver parenchyma and produce abscesses. Some patients may be symptomatic within the first few weeks of infection however, no eggs will be present in feces until the worms have matured, which takes 8 weeks. Symptoms include fever, anorexia, weight loss, anemia, diarrhea, and vomiting. Some patients will not experience any symptoms. If a patient is found to be seropositive for Fascioliasis, the patient will remain seropositive for several years and will be cross reactive with Schistosomiasis.
Fasciola IgG ELISA Test Principle:
The Fasciola IgG ELISA kit wells are coated with Fasciola antigen. During the first incubation
with the diluted patients sera, any antibodies that are reactive with the antigen will bind to the coated wells. After washing the Enzyme Conjugate is added. If antibodies have been bound to the wells, the EnzymeConjugate will then bind to these antibodies. After another series of washes, a TMB and a substrate are added. If the Enzyme Conjugate is present, the peroxidase will catalyze a reaction and chromogen turns blue. Addition of the Stop Solution ends the reaction and turns the blue color to a bright yellow color. The reaction may then be read visually or with an ELISA reader.
Notable features of the Parasitology ELISA Kits:
User-friendly directions and explanation of test procedures
Simple and safe reagent preparation
Clear instructions on specimen collection
Comprehensive package of required materials
Explicit quality control and storage guidelines
Reliable and easy-to-read test results
Product inserts for most Parasitology ELISA kits follow a similar method. See the Fasciola IgG ELISA Kit product insert for details on preparation, procedures, quality control, and test result interpretation.
Diagnostic Automation also provides other Parasitology ELISA Kits. For more information about ELISA Kits or Rapid Tests, IFA Kits, CLIA Test Kits, or Serology tests, please see our website home page, or contact our Customer Service Representative at 818-591-3030.
Materials Provided with Fasciola IgG ELISA Kit
1. Plate: Microwells coated with Faciola antigens
2. Enzyme Conjugate: Protein A conjugated to peroxidase
3. Positive Control: diluted positive rabbit serum
4. Negative Control: diluted negative human serum
5. Chromogen: TMB
6. Wash Concentrate 20X
7. Dilution Buffer:buffered protein solution
8. Stop Solution: 1 M phosphoric acid
Materials Required, Not Provided:
1. Precision pipettes
2. Reagent grade DI water
3. EIA kit Microplate Washer
4. EIA kit Microplate Reader with a 450 & 620-650 nm filters
Fasciola IgG ELISA Kit Background Information:
Fasciola is a hermaphroditic trematode which causes the zoonotic disease fascioliasis. Humans become infected with the disease by ingesting uncooked watercress and other aquatic vegetation on which metacercariae are encysted. Once inside the body, the metacercariae excyst in the small intestine and migrate into the peritoneal cavity through the intestinal wall. The worms may also reenter the liver parenchyma and produce abscesses. Some patients may be symptomatic within the first few weeks of infection however, no eggs will be present in feces until the worms have matured, which takes 8 weeks. Symptoms include fever, anorexia, weight loss, anemia, diarrhea, and vomiting. Some patients will not experience any symptoms. If a patient is found to be seropositive for Fascioliasis, the patient will remain seropositive for several years and will be cross reactive with Schistosomiasis.
Fasciola IgG ELISA Test Principle:
The Fasciola IgG ELISA kit wells are coated with Fasciola antigen. During the first incubation
with the diluted patients sera, any antibodies that are reactive with the antigen will bind to the coated wells. After washing the Enzyme Conjugate is added. If antibodies have been bound to the wells, the EnzymeConjugate will then bind to these antibodies. After another series of washes, a TMB and a substrate are added. If the Enzyme Conjugate is present, the peroxidase will catalyze a reaction and chromogen turns blue. Addition of the Stop Solution ends the reaction and turns the blue color to a bright yellow color. The reaction may then be read visually or with an ELISA reader.
Notable features of the Parasitology ELISA Kits:
User-friendly directions and explanation of test procedures
Simple and safe reagent preparation
Clear instructions on specimen collection
Comprehensive package of required materials
Explicit quality control and storage guidelines
Reliable and easy-to-read test results
Product inserts for most Parasitology ELISA kits follow a similar method. See the Fasciola IgG ELISA Kit product insert for details on preparation, procedures, quality control, and test result interpretation.
Diagnostic Automation also provides other Parasitology ELISA Kits. For more information about ELISA Kits or Rapid Tests, IFA Kits, CLIA Test Kits, or Serology tests, please see our website home page, or contact our Customer Service Representative at 818-591-3030.
Product Details
Catalog No:8119-35
Name:Human Fasciola IgG ELISA Test Kit
Category:Parasitology ELISA kits
Method:ELISA method: Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay
Principle:Indirect ELISA
Detection:Sandwich Complex
Sample:5 ul of serum
Total Time:~20 min
Shelf Life:12 Months from the manufacturing date