Alcohol Saliva Rapid Test
"Export Use Only"
One step saliva alcohol rapid test is intended for use as a rapid method to detect the presence of alcohol in saliva for blood alcohol concentration (BAC) greater than 0.04%
Materials Provided with Saliva Alcohol Rapid Test kit:
1. Rapid Alcohol Test
Each test contains:
Alcohol oxidase
1. Instruction for use
Materials required, not provided:
1. Timer or Clock
Saliva Alcohol Rapid Test kit Background Information
Alcohol intoxication can lead to loss of alertness, coma, death, and as well as birth defects. The BAC at which a person becomes impaired is variable. The United States Department of Transportation (DOT) has established a BAC of 0.04% as the cutoff level at which an individual is considered positive for the presence of alcohol. Determination of ethyl alcohol in blood and saliva is commonly used for measuring legal impairment, alcohol poisoning, etc. Gas chromatography techniques and enzymatic methods are commercially available for the determination of ethyl alcohol in human fluids. MP Rapid Alcohol Test is designed as the screen tool to rapidly determine if the BAC level is higher than 0.04% by testing saliva specimen.
Saliva Alcohol Rapid Test Principle
Cortez Saliva Alcohol RapiDip Insta Test is based on the high specificity of alcohol oxidase (ALOx) for ethyl alcohol in the presence of peroxidase and enzyme substrate such as TMB. The distinct color on reactive pad could be observed in less than 20 seconds after the tip was contacted with saliva samples with the ethyl alcohol concentration greater than 0.04%. It should be pointed out that other alcohols such as methyl, propyl and allyl alcohol would develop the similar color on the reactive pad. However, these alcohols are not normally present in saliva. See product insert for more details.
Diagnostic Automation Inc. offers additional Alcohol and drug rapid tests. Please see our home page product list, or contact our Customer Service Representatives for more information.
For a complete list of Rapid Tests, ELISA tests, IFA Kits, Serology Tests, and available testing Instrumentation, please visit our website home page or contact our Customer Service Representatives at 818-591-3030.
One step saliva alcohol rapid test is intended for use as a rapid method to detect the presence of alcohol in saliva for blood alcohol concentration (BAC) greater than 0.04%
Materials Provided with Saliva Alcohol Rapid Test kit:
1. Rapid Alcohol Test
Each test contains:
Alcohol oxidase
1. Instruction for use
Materials required, not provided:
1. Timer or Clock
Saliva Alcohol Rapid Test kit Background Information
Alcohol intoxication can lead to loss of alertness, coma, death, and as well as birth defects. The BAC at which a person becomes impaired is variable. The United States Department of Transportation (DOT) has established a BAC of 0.04% as the cutoff level at which an individual is considered positive for the presence of alcohol. Determination of ethyl alcohol in blood and saliva is commonly used for measuring legal impairment, alcohol poisoning, etc. Gas chromatography techniques and enzymatic methods are commercially available for the determination of ethyl alcohol in human fluids. MP Rapid Alcohol Test is designed as the screen tool to rapidly determine if the BAC level is higher than 0.04% by testing saliva specimen.
Saliva Alcohol Rapid Test Principle
Cortez Saliva Alcohol RapiDip Insta Test is based on the high specificity of alcohol oxidase (ALOx) for ethyl alcohol in the presence of peroxidase and enzyme substrate such as TMB. The distinct color on reactive pad could be observed in less than 20 seconds after the tip was contacted with saliva samples with the ethyl alcohol concentration greater than 0.04%. It should be pointed out that other alcohols such as methyl, propyl and allyl alcohol would develop the similar color on the reactive pad. However, these alcohols are not normally present in saliva. See product insert for more details.
Diagnostic Automation Inc. offers additional Alcohol and drug rapid tests. Please see our home page product list, or contact our Customer Service Representatives for more information.
For a complete list of Rapid Tests, ELISA tests, IFA Kits, Serology Tests, and available testing Instrumentation, please visit our website home page or contact our Customer Service Representatives at 818-591-3030.
Product Details
Catalog No:121000-1-44
Name:Human Rapid Alcohol Saliva Drug Test (Strip) Rapid Test RapiDip InstaTest
Category:Drug Tests
Test:Bulk Or Boxed in 25 tests
Sensitivity:20 mg/dL