Cardiolipin IgA ELISA test
The Diagnostic Automation Inc. AccuDiagâ„¢ Anti-Cardiolipin (IgA) ELISA test kit provides a semiquantitative or quantitative in vitro assay for human anti-bodies of the immunoglobulin class IgA against cardiolipin in serum or plasma for the diagnosis of anti-phospholipid syndrome (APS).
Product Details
Catalog No:1493-P2
Name:Human AccuDiagTM Cardiolipin IgA ELISA test
Category:Autoimmune Disease kits
Method:ELISA method: Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay
Principle:Indirect ELISA
Detection:Semiquantitative and quantitative
Sample:5 uL serum/plasma
Total Time:~80 min
Shelf Life:12 Months from the manufacturing date