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Full name

Human Hepatitis C Virus ELISA Test Kit, Export Use Only

Category Name Hepatitis ELISA kits
Test 96,192,480
Method ELISA method: Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay
Principle Indirect ELISA: Antigen Coated Plate
Detection Range Qualitative: Positive & Negative Control
Sample 10ul
Total Time ~ 60 min
Shelf Life 12 Months from the manufacturing date

Item #:                    1707-P1   Quantity:               


HCV Ab_1707-12 ELISA(MSDS)01-05-2016.pdf


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HCV Ab ELISA kit description:

"Export Use Only"
The HCV Ab ELISA Test is for clinical lab diagnosis of patients who are suspected of having a hepatitis C virus infection, and for blood donor screening. This HCV Ab ELISA test is an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for in vitro qualitative identification of IgG antibodies to hepatitis C virus in human serum/plasma.

Materials Provided with HCV Ab ELISA test kit:
1. Microwell Plate: each well contains recombinant HCV antigens
2. Negative Control: Protein-stabilized buffer tested non-reactive for HCV antibodies
3. Positive Control: Anti-HCV antibodies diluted in protein-stabilized buffer
4. Specimen Diluent: Protein-stabilized buffer, casein, and sucrose solution.
5. HRP-Conjugated Reagent: HRP-conjugated rabbit anti-human IgG antibodies
6. Wash Buffer: PH 7.4, 20X PBS (Contains Tween-20 as a detergent)
7. Chromogen Solution A: Urea peroxide solution.
8. Chromogen Solution B: TMB solution
9. Stop Solution: Diluted sulfuric acid solution (2.0M H2SO4)
10. Plastic Sealable Bag
11. Cardboard Plate Cover
12. Package Insert

Materials Required, not Provided:
1. Precision pipettes
2. Distilled or deionized water
3. EIA kit Microplate Washer
4. EIA kit Microplate Reader with a 450 nm

HCV Ab ELISA Test Background Information:
For more than 50% of patients, HCV develops into chronic hepatitis and has become the principal cause of cirrhosis of the liver and hepatocellular carcinomas. HCV is now accepted as the major agent for non-A and non-B hepatitis transfusion infection. HCV is defined as an envelope, single stranded positive sense RNA (9.5kb) affiliated with the Flaviviridae family. Classification of hepatitis C virus is established through six major genotypes and series of subtypes of HCV. Blood donor transmissions of hepatitis C virus have notably decreased since screening started in 1990. Three generations of HCV ELISA tests have been established and each generation has resulted in improvement in sensitivity of detecting anti-HCV.

HCV Ab ELISA Test Principle:
The principle of the HCV ELISA test involves a two-step incubation procedure in which solid phase, indirect ELISA technique for HCV antibodies is established. In this third generation HCV ELISA test, recombinant, highly immunoreactive antigens corresponding to the core and non-structural regions of HCV, are pre-coated on the polystyrene microwell strips.

Notable features of Blood Bank ELISA Kits:
User-friendly directions and explanation of test procedures
Simple and safe reagent preparation
Clear instructions on specimen collection
Comprehensive package of required materials
Explicit quality control and storage guidelines
Reliable and easy-to-read test results

Most Blood Bank ELISA kits follow a similar method. See the HCV Ab ELISA Kit product insert for details on preparation, procedures, quality control, and test result interpretation.

For more information about ELISA Kits, Rapid Tests, IFA Kits, CLIA Test Kits, or Serology tests, please see our website home page, or contact our Customer Service Representative at 818-591-3030.

* Not to be sold, shipped or distributed in The United States.

Product Note:

Diagnostic Automation, Inc. , Third generation HCV Ab was established because antibodies to NS5 non-structural protein of HCV were being developed by infected individuals. Thus, in addition to NS3 (c200), NS4 (c200), and Core (c22), the 3rd generation tests included antigens from NS5 region. This 3rd generation of tests have improved sensitivity and have lessened the time period (60 days) between infection and the subsequent appearance of antibodies to HCV.