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Neonatal T4 ELISA kit


NeonatT4 ELISA Test

Full name

Human (NeoNatal T4) NNT4 ELISA Test Kit

Category Name Thyroid ELISA kits
Test 96
Method ELISA method: Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay
Principle Competitive ELISA
Detection Range 0-25 ug/dL
Sample 50uL
Specificity 97%
Sensitivity 0.05 ug/dL
Total Time ~75min
Shelf Life 12-14 months from the manufacturing date

Item #:                    3150-15   Quantity:               

Neonatal T4 ELISA kit

Neonatal T4 3150-15 MSDS (2017-4-6).pdf

Neonatal T4 ELISA kit

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Neonatal T4 ELISA kit description:

The Diagnostic Automation Neo-Natal T4 ELISA test kit is an enzyme linked Immunoassay for the quantitative determination of Total Thyroxine (T4) Concentration in Human Neonates whole blood.

Material Provided with Neo-Natal T4 ELISA Kit:
1. Neo-T4 Standards
2. Whole Blood Controls
3. Neo-T4 Elution Buffer
4. Neo-T4 Conjugate Buffer
5. NT4 Enzyme Reagent
6. Microplate: fT4 Antibody Coated wells
7. Wash Solution Concentrate
8. Substrate Solution
9. Stop Solution
10. Product Instructions

Materials Required, not Provided:
1. Precision pipettes
2. Distilled or deionized water
3. EIA kit Microplate Washer
4. EIA kit Microplate Reader with a 450 nm

Neo-Natal T4 ELISA Kit Background Information:
Determination of hypothyroidism within the first few days of birth has been recognized as the single most important diagnostic test in neonates by the American Thyroid Association. Congenital hypothyroidism is probably the single most common preventable cause of mental retardation. Diagnosis and treatment of congenital hypothyroidism within the first 1-2 months after birth appears to be necessary in order to prevent severe mental retardation. This microplate enzyme immunoassay methodology provides the technician with optimum sensitivity.

Neo-Natal T4 ELISA Test Principle:
Neo-Natal T4 ELISA kit is a solid phase ELISA immunoassay. The essential reagents required for a solid phase sequential enzyme immunoassay include immobilized antibody, enzyme-antigen conjugate and native antigen. Upon mixing immobilized antibody, and a whole blood sample containing the native antigen, a binding reaction results between the native antigen for a limited number of insolubilized binding sites. For additional details please refer to the instructions for use.

Diagnostic Automation Inc. also provides other Thyroid ELISA Kits. For more information about ELISA Kits, Rapid Tests, IFA Kits, CLIA Test Kits, or Serology tests, please see our website home page, or contact our Customer Service Representatives at 818-591-3030 .